InStaGram - ID:ejevon

11 July, 2011

Braun Buffel ?

Posted by Evon Yap

So my beloved aka cute aka lengzai Bf had prepared my birthday present 2 months before my birthday. *As for who don't know,my bf study at Kampar and we already separated for like 1 year ago, it is very hard for us to meet up and sometimes I wait about 1 month or more to see him* So as his schedule he not manage to rush back to celebrate my birthday with me, so he decided to buy me a present.

We went to Braun Buffel shop a lot of times and every time I feel guilty If he present me such a high cost thing for one who is still a student and din't work at all. I am not that type of girl that wanted the bf to present branded thing or treat everything. So one day when he brought me the gift bag, I was happy and he said after 2 months, when the date show 30 June, I only can opened it. I really be such obedient gf and listened to him. Countdown everytime at Weibo like want to tell the world I got the gift (I am not mean to,I just countdown okayyy). 

During the night of my birthday, I was still busying with my Visa stuff so I nearly forgot the time. And the bf called me and sang different types of birthday songs to me. Even though cannot see him and stay with him that day but my heart melted when answered the call. I love my bf and feel thankful for everything he gave me. We been together more than 2 years now and passed through really A LOT of hardship.

Thanks for your pressie I love it so much, especially the buffalo logo. XD


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