So a Random day I captured this and I found that I looks like thinner a bit already. No edit at my face, I just blur the background since there are my bf shirts hanging at there.. Right, please say to me I am thinner now to make me happy, could you ?
And this card reminded me that it already June, been passing 2011 for 5 months already.. Time waits for no men.♥
So this is another Random day while I was driving I realized my car's meter was going to hit 8891, so I decided to risk myself to take the photo of it. U knows the problem of using Iphone is there is no button to click for taking picture, so basically I was holding my phone horizontally and clicked the screen to make it focus and capture. *it is so dangerous actually, pls don't learn me this is a bad example*
Anyway this is my lucky number and I created this number and asking my mum to pay extra don't know few hundred to get this as my car plate :) Thanks baby white for driving me to all the places I wanted.♥
And today ! When I opened my mail and checked, I found out that I get 4 movie passes from Nuffnang and TGV cinema !! Much happy and a lot of thanks want to say it ! U guys made my Birthday turn more nicer and sweet. Gonna use the passes to watch movie with my boyfie since I always want to watch movie when he is back.
Ok lastly,I want to write some unpleasant feeling in Chinese.
我是个蛮organized的人来的,买过什么还是什么重要的东西我都会纪录起来。最近没什么戴lens了但是我知道我的大概都半年了就打算买新的。不知道我选的款真的那么popular吗,不是没货就是没有度数。以往我问1个卖家就马上有货了,这次我前前后后用了2天,重facebook到cari forum再到jbtalks forum去找,都大概问了10多个卖家,还是买不到。第一次买买到我要崩溃,真的,在那些论坛一直找帖,看到眼睛都痛。谢谢认识的朋友们还推荐我一些卖家叫我问,真的很感谢。直到刚才,有个卖家确定有货,我order了问account number的时候,又没有回复了。我再等多天,如果没有回复我又要再找了。找到我真的很辛苦,有时候真的就好像别人说的那样,不是没钱,是有钱都没有你要的东西,别的你又不想将就,因为你喜欢的就是你喜欢的。
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