InStaGram - ID:ejevon

20 September, 2010

Posted by Evon Yap

The very-stupid-hateful pimple grown on my forehead and i forced to pin out my hair like this so that it will recover more faster. And my fugly big 4x4 square bighead is like...fml... not nice la. =.= and today there was a totally jam inside the parking even i reached about 1.40pm and yet there was not even 1 parking for my little white la. and so-geramnya i made few rounds like a fool around the car park and so Hopefully can meet someone who want to remove his/her car, but NO, No at all.

So with all the frustration i don't want waste my time again at the lousy car park as my class start at 2pm. So i rushed to another parking which is more far away and have transportation problem 1..i rushed to there and thanks God there just left 1-and-only-1 last parking ! quickly move my car in and wait for the bus, luckily won't wait for so long.. But the driver kinda waste my time because he went to main block 1st then dropped his colleague to the car park again and Last only fetched me go KPD.... Arghhhh, and there was little rain that time and at the time walking to KPD i pray so hardly not to have heavily rain that time leh !

And the nooby me forgot to carry along my handphone like i am so alone and if i need help i can't call anyone. Pity me. I realize the importance of a handphone for a student, like for me without a phone to college will definitely a very harsh day.

Actually my school story aint any interesting, the reason i die die also want to blog because today is a special day for me. LOL, 15 months with the  and i am so thankful for everything he gives me. Even though our love path not that perfect all the time, but we still pass it together.

Sad when i just count the days i had been separated with him, around 3 weeks. and if plus this week will be 1 month. Yea, 1 month never see the ♥ and he is busying study for his finals. in case, we are less contact too. so...hmmm... ok, just wait he back one day la. =)

Aww, i have a lots of quizzes assignments. 2 assignments due this week, 1 quiz this week. 2 quizzes next week. fml, i haven't pick up any papers to look into also. =(

*kindly clicj my nuffnang once u in,TQ*


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