InStaGram - ID:ejevon

22 October, 2010

Posted by Evon Yap
It was THURSDAY and what...We planned to throw a surprise for our Lilian LIM as she will have her birthday today.

So after the class, we went to Ampang by following Rowen's car, totally 4 cars of us. I so bad hor, everytime when Rowen lansi at me i will say : I know you drive Honda la,so geng la..haiyoo..~ Ha, then he will like aiyo i where got that meaning jek...

Our mission was a bit problems at first because Lilian's brother unable to persuade itu Lilian went upstairs. Then nvm la, we wait at the roadside prepared first. The girls so sweet, we put the candles nicely leh.

Then started, we step by step walked to her house. See, my very-like-Professional look of walking. Yeng right ? Say YES please la.

Then this very-acting Bighead, acting in front of people's gate. Thought you very YENG ar ?

Then we went upstairs, silently lo...then HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

Lilian was shock, i guess la. First sentence from her mouth was : OMG,OMG !!!!

After tasting the cakes we decided to hunt for Korean food. Some of us.

Eh, stop using Iphone4 to attract me can or not ? =(

Lastly will be this group pictures, Lilian bought the instanx mini at cheaper price around RM250~ First time trying this, quite fun to play with.

Love you Lilian LIM ! If you love me too, can give me your Iphone 4 ? can la can la.

*Oh, first time of trying Korean food. Not bad but mostly i was targeting on the meat, the BBQ meat is damn nice and palatable. The soup taste sour and hmm..Okay okay, will try next time again.

The saddest thing was...I FORGOT to bring my Baby L to take photos. All photos were taken from Ning sze. =)


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