InStaGram - ID:ejevon

13 November, 2010

Ampang GPS

Posted by Evon Yap

好啦,我的柔柔是不是super-duper-very可爱?睡着那一只。刚才男朋友讲他突然希望和我有个baby喔...我问他为什么他说因为我和柔柔讲话的时候整个人会温柔起来,平时就很凶的。也对咯,只有对柔柔的时候我讲话才会笑的. =]


谢谢ning sze特地下到来我家亲手把GPS借我,这种朋友那里找阿?下次看见你我会赞你美若天仙,天使下凡,人见人爱。~然后为了double安全起见,特地跑去和ah giap借手机救命多一次,菩萨心藏车见车载的ah giap也很好心借我他的手机让我渡过难关pun.
最后发现ampang很容易去下,duke highway一条路直直下,快乐似神仙。然后顺利到达开工然后当场出粮~再次快乐似神仙。回家就有点阻碍了,因为我没set好GPS就冲回家。不过可以拉,还是头毛无损。健建康康。

Heh,下去去了carfour买下柔柔的东西。然后晃来晃去才舍得回家的说。然后没节目自己无聊到晚上才和ccj & ah giap再去喝茶。
总之我们很qi sin很siao啦。 == 给youthsays炸到够够力。


Provide home tuition for those in need. We serve for you.

These are the subjects available. I'm not genius, so I don't teach all the subjects. =.=

Form 1/ Form 2/Form 3:
Mathematics, Sejarah, Geografi, English and Science.

Form 4/Form 5:
Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Sejarah.

It's 1 hour and 30 minutes per week, making a total of 6 hours per subject per month.

Of course, free trial class for one day is available and you can actually decline us if you think that you couldn't accept the way we teach. Don't worry, no rattans =)

Besides, time can be discussed and tuition fees wouldn't be that pricey as we are still students.

Feel free and do not hesitate to contact us via our email addresses. 
Jinjang, Kepong and Selayang areas are preferable.

Mrs. Yap: or Mr.


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