InStaGram - ID:ejevon

27 September, 2010

Posted by Evon Yap
Currently i am so busy like what the fark, i hate those quizzes which come continuously. Hmm. Have about 2 posts are pending..But i have no choice la. Anyway can follow up  My twitter  to get more about my life.

My new love. Damn love the keyboard la weh. Everyone is craving for Iphone4 now. Tell myself to be patient, next year u grab it at US, maybe that time got Iphone5 jor~ Apa pun boleh berlaku punya.

So wanna post about Friday activities now. That day i brought along the love to taste the delicious-yummy-palatable Fishhead Mihun near bangsa before headed to HELP to pass up my assignment. The pictures will tell everything. Omg,love my baby L day by day. Yeap,i am so greedy to think that DSLR should be my choice but after that day try with Lilian's nikon DSLR, omfg, it is damn heavy. I cannot bare the weight of the DSLR. So i pick back my baby L first.

The fishhead Mihun with the soup, urghh, the soup is the best overall. Add more wine ! Taste yum yum*

Close up of the so-called thick Mihun.

After having lunch then went to HELP to submit the assignment and went to timesquare afterwards. Planning to buy a bag for school but the quality all like...Although really so cheap la...Don't feel like using my CR bag while simple hang out as i so love the CR bag i bought and quite expensive, for me la. and the design i cant get  in other CR shop already. TT , so i want reduce the usage of CR edi. Thats the reason why i want to buy another bag for rough use, instead of using CR i will heart broken if any damages happen on it.

*Next post reveal the bag i get, kinda expensive also == *

Finished hunting the bag still have time then had brunch at MCD. the only picture i get is....The friend-fries. FYI, i don't like friend-fries, this is the TOP 1 food that will make you get cancer easily. Believe it or not, just cut down the consumption of eating fast food, take care your health.

After that we went to movie, Get the tickets on student price. So good as when i queue, i saw the girl in front was holding a stack of student cards. Then i like..duh, can get student price meh now ? so i took my student card too and asked the stuff. It works, so get the ticket at RM7. *so paiseh, first time i buy ticket using student price, so i was damn excited like hell, wah-so cheap punya*

Bought the ticket of 精武风云-陈真, i am a huge huge fan of Donnie Yen. Overall the story line still ok, hmm, fighting japanese again la. What i really concern is his muscle and leng zai look. Fuyoh, damn yao yeng !

Whoah, i was excited again when check the nuffnang and it is increasing weh. When i checkout the love was just beside me and i shouted to him. Kind of....haha.

stay tuned for next post. lazy to write more.

 *Kindly click my nuffnnang once u in,TQ*


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